Friday, October 19, 2012

Why are Biden's and Sebelius' Excommunications Meaningful for Non Catholics?

I thought I'd discuss the significance of Kathleen Sebelius and Joe Biden getting excommunicated. If you're not a Catholic or a Christian it might not seem like a big deal, but it really is - it's a HUGE deal. To be excommunicated means that you've demonstrated by your actions that you do not believe in the teachings of the Catholic Church, and are therefore told not to receive communion, or in extreme cases, are denied communion. Communion is the apex of the Catholic faith.

It's generally something that happens on a diocese by diocese basis. In Sebelius' case, in 2008 the bishop of her home diocese instructed her to stop receiving communion after she vetoed an abortion reform bill while she was governor. Evidently he met with her several times, and also wrote her a letter saying this:
“I wrote the governor last August requesting that she refrain from presenting herself for reception of the Eucharist until she had acknowledged the error of her past positions, made a worthy sacramental confession and taken the necessary steps for amendment of her life which would include a public repudiation of her previous efforts and actions in support of laws and policies sanctioning abortion,” Naumann wrote.
Joe Biden has been excommunicated from two diocese that I know of because of his stand on abortion. Just last month the Bishop Sheriden of the diocese of Colorado Springs took a stand and publicly that if Biden was ever in that diocese, he should not present himself for communion. In 2008 the bishop of Biden's home diocese said that he should not present himself for communion. 

Without the blessing of the bishop to receive communion, especially in one's home parish, one really cannot call oneself Catholic. Biden and Sebelius are both being dishonest to refer to themselves as such. 

I have the impression that some non Catholic Democrats have respect for Sebelius and/or Biden, thinking that they just represent a more liberal aspect of the Catholic faith in their abortion views. There is no compromise on the abortion issue in the teachings of the Church. I hope non Catholic Democrats will at least consider the significance of these excommunications and whether or not Sebelius and Biden are representing themselves properly to their constituency. 

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