Within about five minutes a gal walks by. She's got a bright red ball cap on, saying CCCP. "Holy crap!" I thought to myself. "I have to talk to her! Is she advertising that she's communist or a socialist? Is she protesting communism or socialism? Why in the world is she wearing that hat?"
"Excuse me, ma'am?" She doesn't hear me. I speak a little louder and wave my hand to get her attention, "Excuse me! Can I talk to you?"
She stops, a little surprised.
"Hi. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you but I just had to ask you about your cap. It really grabbed my attention. Why are you wearing it?"
She smiles. "Do you know what it means?"
"Yes. It means the Soviet Union."
She seems pleased. "Most people don't know what it means."
So we began a conversation about the former Soviet Union, how socialism doesn't work, and how our country is heading towards socialism. Turns out she's from Russia and has been here for about seven years. She doesn't understand why people don't learn from history, and she is very clear on why Romney needs to win in November.
I was able to tell her a little bit about what I do, and how the battle to preserve traditional marriage is a battle against the advance of Marxist ideas in some respects. She had not heard this before.
"Yes. Engels was either a colleague or pupil of Marx, I can't remember which, but he described the husband as the bourgeois and the wife as the proletariat. They were both very much against the traditional family because it was a hindrance to socialism." Her eyes got big and she shook her head.
"Do you have a business card?" she asked. "Wow," I thought to myself, "I would have had to tell her no had I not found those cards under my chair." So I reached into my bag and handed her one.
"Do you mind if I take your picture? I am so happy to have met you and I want to write about it." She hesitates. "Look, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, so it's OK if you don't. I'm just so excited to have talked to you and I want a photo of you with your cap."
She pauses for a moment then agrees. "Yes, OK."
So I snap her photo and show it to her. She approves.
"Email is the best way to each me, so please reach out to me and let's stay in touch," I say to her. "Yes, I would like that."
And she's the third example I've seen recently of somebody who has lived under socialism, who is voting for Romney and not Obama.
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